It has in Sonia Gandhi a leader who is both unchallenged and unquestioned. When nothing less than decisive action was called for, it has been proved itself woefully inadequate, unable to come up with a cohesive, credible and efficient strategy to fight terror.
Accountability began with the sacking of two Patils — Shivraj, who deserved a break because the country needed a break from his policing — and the Maharashtra deputy chief minister R. R. Patil, who will forever be remembered for this gem that “ in big cities such things happen”. Imagine Rudolph Giuliani, then New York mayor, saying on the afternoon of September 11, 2001 that in a city with so many skyscrapers, it is quite possible that the occasional aircraft strays from its flight path and hits something as tall as the twin towers of the World Trade Centre.
Getting Shivraj Patil, the weakest home minister that it has been this country’s misfortune to suffer, was the easy part, but somewhere thereafter, the Congress got paralysis. Chief min

Let’s get this straight. Sharad Pawar wasn’t seeking accountability from his party mate RR Patil when he got him to resign.
He wasn’t setting an example either. He just grabbed the best chance to oust Vilasrao Deshmukh for whom he has as much love as, say, George Bush would for Osama bin Laden. But Vilasrao was not about to quit without extracting a price. And it was obvious that with his powerful backers in Delhi, he could afford to flex his muscles. After six days of dilly dallying, the Congress on Friday indicated it was ready to meet his terms by appointing Ashok Chavan, Deshmukh’s preferred nominee as Maharshrtra’s new chief minister.
The appointment has brought flak, from within. Narayane Rane, who lost out yet again, is hurling abuses at the high command which can do nothing more than grin and bear it. Leave aside the fact of the dynasty in Delhi propping up another one in Mumbai. Son of S. B. Chavan, amongst the most formidable Union home ministers ever, Ashok is known more for qualities that his father would have disapproved. But he has his uses, particularly when the party has to face in a few months time a general election it’s known to dread.
Ashok has an immense ability to mobilise resources and one of the senior- most cabinet ministers from the state , no pauper himself, once told me that Maharashtra pools in about 70 per cent of the money that the Congress needs to fight elections.
The bottomline is: The fight against the enemy outside can wait until we sort out the minor issue of electoral battles to be fought at home.
How can we fight terrorism? This is the question in everybody's mind. We always beleive in blame games. BJP blames congress and vice versa. Politicians will give big lectures on terrorism and can blame the government for being incompetent in fighting terrorism. However the matter of the fact is nobody is bothered to come up with concrete solution. This way we are heading nowhere. The parties and politicians have to rise beyond their personal interests and should come forward to fight this menace of terrorism in order to save our country. The people of India have shown after the Mumbai attacks that they are not going to spare the politicians who only speaks and do nothing. It is time now for the leaders to to take some corrective actions and think seriously to do something. The equation of politics will change in India now and the actions of the politicians will only speak and not their big promises which they never fulfill. The new Indian public is not the one who will listen to the lectures of these politicians and vote them. Good oraters now need to be better public servants. Hence in order to survive in politics in New India they need to mend thier ways or they will not exist.
I think fighting terrorism is too serious a business to be left to our politicians.
you are a big personality of our country and you should also try to convince our leaders to fight against terrorism.
you enjoy the journalism always, but now your seriouness is to come forward,
we need people like you, thanks for everything you do.
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