Seedhi Baat with the Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Anand Sharma. The subjects include the emergence of Varun Gandhi as a leader, the idea of a debate between Manmohan Singh and the BJP leader L. K. Advani, shifting of the IPL to South Africa and formation of the next government after elections.
कांग्रेस के रणनीतिकार एवं विदेश राज्य मंत्री आनंद शर्मा ने कहा कि वरुण गांधी से कांग्रेस को कोई खतरा नहीं है.
Dear Mr. Chawla,
Greetings! I didn't stumble into your blog-site by chance and this doesn't pertain to the talk you had with Mr. Anand. But, rather, it is due to unavoidable circumstances. I am not too sure if you do write the blogs yourself or you have a "ghost-writer". I wouldn't care and further I don't know if this comment will approved. This is but a strict "Seedhi Baat" about what is happening with a subsidiary of India Today- the India Today Book Club.
Do you realize there are tens of hundreds of bad reviews for the book club and it is has reference directly to "Aajtak" as per the confidentiality note in the e-mails they sent?
I didn't care about these but ITBC has proved that the reviews are correct!!
As per the marketing policy, I received an email about CD's+TShirt+Adidas bag at Rs.1099(inclusive of delivery charges). I went ahead trusting your brand but it seems only the CD's will be sent. A lot of my friends have also been "cheated" like this-luring prospective customers with e-mails and not delivering what is promised.
I had a torrid time reaching the customer care and when I did, they informed me that I need to read the TOC. This is funny the ad about the offer is as big as the webpage itself and TOC doesn't specify sending packages by parts.
When I see "Aajtak", I see a lot of breaking news everyday, everyhour. Have you ever thought of portraying ITBC scam on your news channel? Or is the media based on selfish values?
I can give you lots of reviews available on the internet on ITBC, if you don't believe in this.
If you do not have the authority, do please forward to the authorities concerned. I trust you with the job of being a responsible constituent of the Indian Media.
Best Regards,
I got a call from ITBC for offer of tour package i ordered 4 package i recieved 3 package full of book.
my order no are:
after 3 years of relation with ITBC I am feeling cheated Now.
some review which i got on net that is shocking.
http://www.consumercomplaints.in/bycompany/india-today-book-club-a12222.html around 5000 of complaints.
I want you to take action of this fraud ethics
my Ph. 9338016069
Dear Mr. Chawala,
My membership ID with India Today Book Club is ITBC08774081. I had placed an order (TELESALES/0GA090014244) worth Rs.1897/- for Reebok kit (shirt, watch, belts etc.) on 06-March-09. When the ordered items were not delivered after more than 4 months of order, I requested to cancel my order and refund the payment. I have been following up over phone and emails for last 12+ months, but ITBC team is unable to process my refund till today. What should it be called “fraud”, “failure of a REPUTED company in online business”, "shame", or what? Is there any chance to get my hard-earned money back?
Dear Mr. Chawla,
Please do a "Seedhi Baat" with ITBC cheaters.
My membership ID with India Today Book Club is ITBC08774081. I had placed an order (TELESALES/0GA090014244) worth Rs.1897/- for Reebok kit (shirt, watch, belts etc.) on 06-March-09. When the ordered items were not delivered after more than 4 months of order, I requested to cancel my order and refund the payment. I have been following up over phone and emails for last 12+ months, but ITBC team is unable to process my refund till today. What should it be called “fraud”, “failure of a REPUTED company in online business”, "shame", or what? Is there any chance to get my hard-earned money back?
My membership ID with India Today Book Club is ITBC08774081. I had placed an order (TELESALES/0GA090014244) worth Rs.1897/- for Reebok kit (shirt, watch, belts etc.) on 06-March-09. When the ordered items were not delivered after more than 4 months of order, I requested to cancel my order and refund the payment. I have been following up over phone and emails for last 12+ months, but ITBC team is unable to process my refund till today. What should it be called “fraud”, “failure of a REPUTED company in online business”, "shame", or what? Is there any chance to get my hard-earned money back?
I had booked 2 orders on dated 17/03/2010 to Mr.Rahul Sharma of ITBC who's ID No. is 440025849 and 44002585. While taking orders he explained that I am selling u HOLIDAY PACKAGE which costs Rs.3198 each and u will get 2 return air tickets and 3days and 2 night stay in almost every location of India. When I enquired him that how can I get this package if I want to go to Darjeling. Then he explained u will get air tickets from Bhopal to Delhi and Delhi to Baghdogra for 2 persons in each package. Atleast 10 times I asked him regarding hidden charges, he simply replied THIS IS A PROMOTIONAL PACKAGE U NEED NOT TO PAY ANY CHARGES.
Now my submission is that they people started CHEATING and DOING FRAUD from the word GO as below
1. When I received parcel then only I came to know that this fellow has charged me Rs. 3198 against the cost of books whereas Mr. Rahul Sharma never told me regarding books. I was thinking that I have purchased a holiday package which can be verified from the recording on 17/03/2010 and 2-3 days back of 17/03/2010 when in detail he explained.
2. Now I received air ticket voucher in which it is said that only 1 round air ticket will be given in each package. I felt literally shocked when I read that for having air tickets I have to furnish a draft of Rs.7000 in each package and every destination of India of ITBC marketing executives squeezes to selected destination and there was no provision of going from Bhopal to Baghdogra which was fraudulently promised by ITBC people.
It comes under very severe type of cheating and fraud where they have explained me entirely different and providing nothing of it.
So I request u to intervene in this matter otherwise I'll move to CONSUMER FORUM.
Abhay Saxena
Dear Mr. Chawla,
Let me introduce myself. I am Akhilesh R. Verma residing at Bhopal & in Govt. Service.I am writing you because I want to bring to your knowledge the fraudulent activities rather I should say SCAM going on in your India today Book Club. It may be unbelievable for you but it is a true story.On 3rd July I received a phone call from ITBC. Caller named him as Navneet & said I had been chosen for a diamond jewellery voucher worth Rs.20000/-but for that I would have to purchase an item from ITBC.I booked a portable DVD(Rs.7498/-)& paid from my credit card through mobile phone.Next dayagain I received a call from a lady saying herself Navneet.She told me that there would be a big contest having prizes from 8lakhs to Rs.25000/-& in which Rs.25000/- prize is assured for participants.Again believing on her I booked a Camcorder(Rs.11999/-).Next day again she called me,assured me for a golden box if I purchase a combo pack of Ipod & Camera(Rs.8498/-)& also given me a lockin Idwhich according to her is an assurance of winning prize.Here I want to mention that ITBC people know my phone no. & address because I was subscriber of India today magazine in past years.
But real story begins on 3rd July2010.Somebody naming himself as Prabhat Singh congratulated me & told that I won a Gold jwellary worth Rs.3 Lakhs but fot that I would have todo transaction of Rs.29000/-at least.Again believing on I paidRs.29386/-.On 5th July some lady naming herself as Preeti congratulating me told that I had won % lakhs Jwellary but I had to transact Rs.36000/-atleast.When I said her I have already made payment to Mr. Prabhat Singh.She said this one is another Jwellary Box& that one was another. This time also I paid Rs.37467/-.On 10th July I received phone from somebody calling him Preteek.He told me that a payment of Rs.7498/-for 5 lakhs Jwellary box & Rs.9698/- for 3 lakhs is a must.This time also I made payment.
You may be curious why everytime I made payment.The reason is that your India today is a very renowned group & one can not easily believe that this type of fraudulent activities are going on there.I was first doubted first when I received portable DVD but without any diamond jwellary voucher & second when today I called at ITBC & when asked regarding Jwellary box & the person receiving phone told that he is not aware of the so called Jwellary Boxes.However he said the orders of materials would be completed in next 10 days.I said him that I placed so many orders only because your people said that for receiving Jwellary voucher it was a must.He did not reply the same
Akhilesh Rai Verma,B-7,Bijleenagar Colony,Govindpura,Raisen Road ,Bhopal462023.9425004612
Dear Shri Chawla,
It is believed that “Sidhi Baat” is a tool by which the public can put up their views/grievances before you. “Before you” because you are representing a strong media & therefore it is believed that you are competent enough to do something. But here the matter belongs to your India Today Group it self. The club named as India today book club alias Bag it today is involved in Cheating, fraud & scams of contest. This club is selling products with assurance of free gift which often was not sent. They organise Contest assuring very lucrative prizes & to participate in the contest one has to purchase products. A person believes on them purchase a product. After sometime they call the customer & tell him that the contest is over & a Golden box he has won containing Jewellery voucher of Rs.1/2/3/5 Lakhs but to get the same he has to make transactions of such & such amount. The customer again trusting on the caller make the transactions also .The story do not stop here. The customer daily receives a call from a new person who again tells him the story with a new Golden box & transactions. The trouble starts to the customer after making these transactions. When he does not get the assured material he makes phone calls or sends Emails & this continues for a long time .A very few lucky customers get the material which was assured but maximum percentage gets only tension, agony &sadness. This is one story there are a number of ways they approach a customer & cheat him. I am also a sufferer. The websites such as consumer court, consumer forum are full of complaints registered by the people of different parts of the country. Are you unaware of all this or you are ignoring these complaints. THESE COMPLAINTS ARE INCREASING DAY BY DAY & THERFORE IT SEEMS THAT INFLUENTIAL PERSOND ARE ALSO INVOLVED IN THE SCAM.IF AFTER REGISTERING IT IN “SEEDHI BAAT” ALSO IF NOTHING HAPPENS THEN YOU CAN UNDERSTOOD WHAT WOULD BE THE VIEWS OF PEOPLE ABOUT YOU ALSO.SO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.
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