'Give quota to backward Muslims'
Jamiat Ulema-e Hind leader Maulana Mehmood Madni on the show Seedhi Baat says that reservation should be given on the basis of educational, social and economical backwardness.
The senior Deobandi Muslim leader and Rajya Sabha MP also talks about the need for Muslims to be included in caste- based census, the issue of hanging Afzal Guru and the concept of fatwa .
Madni is a hypocrite. A muslim is a muslim is a muslim.Where comes the question of giving reservation on the basis of caste?
Now Media houses of India SHOULD not call themselves free press as they are sold to foreigners under FDI and majority of the shares are with the foreign partners which comprises of church and Muslim countries.Almost all the media houses are governed by the foreigners who are mianly Christians and muslims.Almost all the TV news channel are spreading hatred against Hindus and are propagating Christianity and Islamic. These channels are under the majority partners of the church and maszids So all the Hindus organizations and media houses should start their own free news channel and foil the conspiracies by church and maszid media.
Can the govt publish the share holdings in these news channels from FDI and investments by foreigners, Churches, Islamic countries? There is a sinister design in purchasing the media houses by the foreign investors in India.These media houses has played a major role in condemning the Hindu organizations like RSS,VHP,Bajarangdal,Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram,and most importantly BJP.In 2004 and 2009 BJP had lost the election by the vicious campaign by the media houses who had played the same lies and untruths several times daily.
Now a day’s TV is the best media to influence the voters. The News channel by TVTODAY,AAJTAK,HT, CNN, NDTV and Times now has played a major role in ousting the NDA govt by their Goebbels propaganda. But the fall of Goebbels and Hitler should be known to them.
Now the time has come for these Hindu organizations to start their own news channels to show the truth to the Indian voters and awaken them from their deep slumber. Now the TV media is of prime importance for congress that is feeding with all kinds of help for praising the UPA govt and Congress in particular and condemn all the other parties and preferably BJP.
In south almost all the political parties and leaders have their own news channels. They are showing their parties work and also refute the lies of their competitive channels. If BJP,RSS,VHP and all other Hindu organizations would not start their own news channel very soon then the same news channels who had defeated them in 2004 and 2009 would again defeat them by spreading lies and untruths in 2014 election.
The TEHLKA is a group of some unscrupulous people who are fed by congress and they are spreading the message of congress and soiling the image of journalism .It is a matter of high regret that Media which is the fourth pillar of democracy can go to so low as to sold itself and its conscience for some money and work for a particular party, organization and people. If the right to speech is their weapon then all of us a have a weapon of non violence agitation against such groups and organization and media houses. If Gandhijee can force the Britishers to leave India by his non - violent agitation we can also drove these foreigners from our media houses by our non-violent agitations,dharna,strikes,bandhs,gherao.
We need not be so much aggressive to go and show highhandedness to the media houses like TV today and all other media houses who are spearheading the campaign of falsehood and constructed news. We can show them our strength by gherao their offices all over the country, sit in dharna before their offices. The agitation should not be violent in any manner. Peaceful agitation can conquer their hearts also.
Now all our RSS, BJP and VHP leaders should prepare themselves for fighting legal battle with these media houses. All the nationalist and patriotic people should file cases against these media houses for spreading hatred among all the communities, breach of peace and tranquility. The RTI should be used to know the share holdings In all these media houses from the registrar of companies.BJP should start a nation wide agitation for awakening of all the patriotic forces and nationalists people.If the media would abuse its freedom and rights it would met the same fate that Hitler had met.
Now we all the people of India and Pakistan are suffering due to blunders of Nehru. He had also worsened the situation of Kashmir by going to UNSC when the Pakistan forces attacked Kashmir and our forces are ousting them from our land in 1948 war/aggression by Pakistani army and mujahideens. Now both India and Pakistan are bitter enemies in all respects only due to Kashmir issue which is not solved since the last 62 years. They had fought several wars in the last 63 years of freedom. Although the general people of India and Pakistan are as close as long lost brothers but the political leadership had never reconciled to the facts of their friendship. Pakistan has seen democracy for a small period and that is also under the shadow of their military leadership. Now also the democracy and govt in Pakistan is fake and the showing of a parliamentary form of govt is a facade. Everything in Pakistan runs on whims and fancies of the Military chiefs. It is a true fact that General Kayani is ruling Pakistan by proxy. Pakistan army never wants that both the country remain in peace with friendship and tranquility. It would not serve their purpose of extracting maximum mileage from USA and UK.Pakistani Army is dependent on the donation and charities of US and UK. They are giving it substantial arms, ammunitions and money for keeping of war hysteria against India. It is a conspiracy by colonial forces of US and UK.In Our country we have got two national parties who have some presence in states and centre. One is Congress and other is BJP.Now congress is ruling our country with a fractured mandate with the help of some state based parties like DMK,NCP,TMC and BSP. It has not having a simple majority of its own and it has stitched up a coalition govt which is pulling it in all sides and preventing it from taking strong and visible actions for good governance. At the time of NDA rule the BJP was the major partner but it was the coalition which also prevented the party to take any visible action. The country is suffering the pain of TERRORISM,NAXALISM,MAOISM only due to such fractured mandate by voters.If they would have given a strong mandate to any of the two parties the country would not have put to such dilemma. Now the govt is not able to take any action as it is highly incapacitate by their coalition partners who do not want to take actions on TERRORISM, NAXALISM and Maoism for the compulsions of vote bank.Our predicament is that we do not have the vision for a strong and capable India to take over any attacks by China and Pakistan.Our leadership has failed us miserably.They have never tried to make India strong enough so that no country would have a bad eye on it.
When HT and AAJTAK had shown a manipulated and constructed sting operation on RSS leaders for their involvement in bomb blasts it is proved that media has been in the hands of the foreigners who had a majority stock holding in these media houses. It is quite unbelievable that RSS leaders can be so novices and idiots who would utter the words as shown in the sting CD .The former MP cannot be a fool and idiot to agree to any such interview to any unknown journo .All these stings are frauds, fake , fabricated and constructed by the HT.Moreover whatever be the people’s anger on the govt’s policy of appeasement and weakness of the govt to take actions on criminals of Muslim community and letting them free as they have done IN PUNE CASE AND MUMBAI CASE, Hindus can never be vindictive, revengeful and aggressive. They are passionate, lousy and patient. All these cases instituted against Hindus are fake,frauds,fabricated and constructed by the Christian govt only to please their masters .We have history of thousands of years wherein Hindus were betrayed by their own for which they were ruled by foreigners for thousands of years, only due to lack of unity and nationalism among them. Now all these rulers,officers,police and judges who are fabricating such cases are OUR own brothers but they are working under duress from their masters at centre and they cannot be blamed as we have dug our own grave by putting them in Indian throne. If Hindus would not raise their voice now and in future their future is doomed and perilous. We are passing through a calamity period and perils are just visualized. If the calamity would strike us it is our doing and we should not blame others when we have blundered to have brought such govt to power in 2004 and 2009.We should not blame the media as it is working on the orders of the Christian govt and its foreign masters/fund managers.
freedom of expression doesnot mean that the media has the liberty to accuse a organisation like rss of spreading terrorism.in our country it is a system failure.when the muslim terrorists strike and killed thousands in the last 6 years in india ,the govt and media were silent on that and didnot take steps to wake up the govt which has been in a mindset of saving muslims and punishing hindus.you know such mindset would create a deep chasm between hindus and muslims.if the govt would work in a planned way to condemn hindus ,who are in a majority ,the reactions would eb spontaneous and lethal.it is nothing new in the substance that every action has a chain of reaction.if muslims kill hindus and get away with it ,saved by govt all over the states in congress ruled govts,it would definitely anger hindus.you cannot be absolved of spreading hatred among hindus and muslims.rss is a organisation of strong willed cadres of hindus who only works for the unity and integrity of their mother land india in a nationalsist and patriotic manner.if any media house works for spreading hatred among them and condemn them without any substance,the reaction would be definitely spontaneous.now the media houses are controlled by non-hindus who are spreading the rumours through their tv channel only to put all the hindus under one umbrella-terrorists. hindus are never aggressive, vindictive,war-mongers and killers.they are highly patient,passionate and lousy.if they would have a aggressive taint with them they would have never ruled by all
We have 15% of Muslims in 120 crores of population which is second largest population in world of Muslims. We have no good relations with majority of Muslim majority countries as they think us as a country of bigots. But have never treated their clan as such .Never in the history of India our people has any animosity for any Muslims. They are living in remotest corners of India in rural areas are living peacefully as a brother to all Hindus. But it is a fact wherever they are in a minority and miniscule status they are living peacefully but in the areas where they have majority in population they are aggressive. They never allow any Hindus to work in those areas and have their livelihood. They have made the areas as mini Pakistan.In Kashmir what has happened in the last 63 years everybody knows.
The state of Kashmir comprises of three parts i.e. JAMMU (Hindu), Kashmir (Muslim) and Ladakh (Buddhist).Now why for the demand for the AZADI and freedom in Kashmir began? Who is behind the demand and if the parameter of a community being majority in a locality to demand freedom is being acceded to what would happen to Indian states? We have to analyze the issues in all perspectives. The Indian TV media is no doubt playing spoilsport in the matter of unity and integrity of India, as if India is not their country and its sovereignty is not of paramount importance for them.UPA govt has made so many mistakes in the last 6 years of its rule in India that the country is now gasping for breath. The whole apparatus of democracy is falling down. We have not voted it to power to ruin India and allow its disintegration on caste,linguistic and religion basis. The regular feature of parochial behaviors’ by UPA govt with Non-Congress ruled Govts at states are creating a divisive mentality. In Maharashtra the congress and UPA have allowed its pet MNS to howl and destroy the peace and tranquility in the state on the basis of the regionalism.MNS has directed its ire on Non maharashtrians and particularly on North Indians. Now it has started a campaign to change everything Indian to only maharashtrian.It would severely damage the unity and integrity of India but these myopic govt of UPA at state and centre are not seeing the perils.
Again the MNS and SHS have started a new agenda for inclusion of some areas from Karnataka to Maharashtra on the basis of their linguistic majority. But what has been done before 55 years ago cannot be undone now by such demand. Only if the centre can set up the 2nd States Re-organization commission of re-drawing of boundaries of states and creation of smaller states ,it can be taken up and settled. The 1st states reorganization commission has done more harm to the national unity. It has not done its work properly and drawn the map of states as per the whims and fancies of its leaders or dictated by Nehru.Now the time has come for setting of the 2nd states re-organization commission so that the aspirations of the masses would be taken up and the boundary of the states be re-drawn and smaller states be created. Orissa has suffered by way of losing its linguistic areas to Bihar(Present Jharkhand) and MP(present Chhatisghar,WB and Andhra Pradesh, where in the oriya speaking people are finding it very difficult to accommodate themselves with the origin state. Likewise in Maharashtra the state has three such areas which are highly underdeveloped and needs to be created states. Vidarbha and Marathwada are examples of neglect and poverty. In UP the states are to be bifurcated in HaritPradesh and Bundelkhand.Hence the centre should not fall prey to the demands of MNS and SHS and take strong actions on them for spreading hatred. They should be also de-franchised from election. Govt should take strong actions on any party, individual who wreaks violence on peaceful people and state under anti- national laws.
Central bureau of India is now called as the Congress Bureau of India and Corruption Bureau of India.It is not working for the national interest but working with a nefarious design to condemn the opposition leaders and the purchased media is helping them in their activities.
In Gujarat after the Godhra train burning incident the riot took place and about 900 odd Muslims and 200 odd Hindus were killed. Since then Congress has made it a holy war on Hindus of Gujarat to attack all of them. Muslim calls it as Jehad and Christians call it as their holy war. As Congress chief is a Christian Roman catholic she is spearheading the war as its COAS. The war is between Hindus and infidels of Christianity and Islam. Congress has engaged many NGO’s to harass the CM and his ministers. Although it has lost two elections after the riot but it is relentlessly waging war on CM and his ministers with the NGO’s,Advocates,Jehadis,CBI and central forces. It is to be noted that India had suffered in past as our history shows, by betrayal by Hindus who are boot lickers of Christians and Muslims.
By proclamation of Hindus as liberals and patient congress is harping on the theme to bribe them to betray their own clan. I doubt what the genes of our leaders who are betraying their own clan.I am not defending anybody for any crime he or she might have committed as there is God to punish him or her.But the Govts shouldn’t go for selective leakage of news or planting false hoods in the media only to tarnish any one or party. It would do more arm to him as the people are not idiots and novice. The media may be playing into their hands now but they would turn like chameleons if the opposition come to power next. It is needless to say that congress ah s no absolute majority of 272 seats in LS but it is dependent on parties like DMK,NCP,TMC who are extracting its pounds of flesh every time a calamity strikes.
In the developing nations no such politicking goes as their parties are more or less interdependent on national matters and priorities. In USA the two parties like democrats and republicans never accuse their leaders in open. If any person does any crime he is being tried under law and no witch hunt takes place in that country. Like wise in all the European countries all the politicking is transparent and equal.
So why congress govt is doing all these witch hunting? It would lead to tit for tat policy by next govt, when BJP or NDA would comes to power in centre next. If congress believes that Sohrabuddinand Ishrat Johan are innocent then it should raise the issue in Gujarat election and condemn the BJP and its ministers but by witch hunting through massive mobilization of NGO’s ,Advocates and CBI it cannot change the hearts of people. It would lose all these sympathy of people of India, how strong its actions may be against the Gujarat CM and his ministers. In the last 10 years the centre and UPA govt may have seen that no other state is as peaceful s Gujarat. It is its heartburn seeing the developmental works in Gujarat and also the peace tranquility prevailing in that state. It has pushed hard all the machineries of central govt against the Gujarat Govt, CM and his ministers and trying hard to implicate them in false and concocted cases. Will it answer? If the same terrorist groups who were in Ahmadabad in a Indica car in which Isharat Jahan and Pillai were traveling with two LET jihadist to kill and would have killed him and his ministers, will the UPA govt would have revived their life? So it is evident that the congress govt is hand in gloves with all the terrorists in India to liquidate the Hindus leaders and savior of Hindus. It is a conspiracy by the Muslim and Christian govt which all of us should understand and wake up.
This govt is working with a sinister design to make India a slave of USA and any day we would see that we are a colony of USA and our freedom in chains and democracy has been like it is in Pakistan. All those who were killed in Gujarat by its police are anti nationals and they were liquidated by the patriotic govt of Gujarat and saved many Indians from Bomb blast and attacks. If the UPA’s Central Govt has any proof that Mr. Sohrabuddin is not a criminal but an diligent citizen it should come forward with the evidence. Witch hunt of innocents or govt machinery are bad and reactive.It should know that every proactive action has a hardest reaction. Congress party of India behaves like a party of self styled leaders. It has chief who is ruling in ancestral style. The party is of sycophants and bootlickers. whosoever he may be if any person did not fall in line with the chief he is not accepted anywhere. First It was Motilal Nehru then Jawaharlal Motilal Nehru, Indira Nehru Gandhi, Rajiv Nehru Gandhi, Sonia Rajiv Gandhi and now Rahul Rajiv Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra are descending and ruling congress. This party is working in a dictatorial and autocratic manner and conspiring with the money power it has to demolish all the opposition. Due to the policy of creating ll the bottleneck and impediments in the ranks and fields of opposition parties it has demolished them. It is using all its weapon available to finish off its opposition and succeeded like SAMA,DANA,DANDA, AND BHEDA.It is abusing the CBI for its nefarious activities.
bech khao bharat ko ...
aur to kuch kar nahi sakte
quota par quota ek din hinduo ko kota ki zaroorat padegi agar bharat tab tak tum jaiso se bach gaya to.....
Jab Nafrat ki kheti karogey kabtak mohabbat mileygi
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