Monday, June 30, 2008
Home and away games/Power&Politics/Mail Today-June 30,2008

An offer with his hands tied/Power&Politics/Mail Today-June30,2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Back to the past for the future/Power&Politics/Mail Today,June 23,2008
THE TRUE test of any vote catcher is the ability to swing elections and on that count, the reverses in several Assembly elections suggest the Gandhi name is not enough to see the Congress through. After 12 back- to- back electoral defeats, in true Congress tradition, the party set up aseven- member committee headed by defence minister A. K. Antony, to prepare an “action plan”. Having been chief ministers, Union ministers etc, its members know what it takes to win an election. Areport, prepared after several rounds of meetings with Congressmen at all levels, has been handed over to party chief Sonia Gand
hi. The committee has obviously learnt its lessons from the Karnataka debacle and among its recommendations is that the party name its chief ministerial candidate well in advance of elections in astate. It achieves two objectives: it enables the party to project the candidate and his/ her record in office/ governance; it also eliminates the need for last- minute compromises that neither serves the cause of good governance nor does any good for the image of the party. The committee is also faced with the uncomfortable truth of alack of an emerging leadership. In many states, it is yet to produce anew crop of leaders to whom the torch could be safely passed. It is therefore likely to recommend that the party fall back on the tried and tested leaders of the past. Five states are facing polls later this year. So in Delhi, Sheila Dikshit is likely to go for athird consecutive term, though Ajay Maken is said to be Rahul’s preferred candidate. In MP, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh too, the committee suggests the party fall back on old warhorses Diggyraja, Ashok Gehlot and Ajit Jogi. They may have the lost the elections the last time but have it in them to bounce back and boost the sagging morale of the Congress.
Panchayati Raj/Power&Politics/Mail Today-June 23,2008
WHEN IS more less merrier? When it involves Mani Shankar Aiyer. The ebullient Panchayati Raj Minister has already lost the coveted Sports and Youth Affairs portfolio for speaking his mind about the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, atrait which has earned him enough enemies. They rejoiced at what was perceived as his downgrading, but are obviously dismayed over his appointment to the power Congress Election Committee headed by AK Antony, aclear indication that at 10
Janpath, Mani still matters. So efforts are on to cut him to size. The latest is the Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC). It was set up in 2005, after agap of 40 years with Congress General Secretary Veerappa Moily as its head to look into, among other things, strengthening the financial management system. Its reports are submitted in phases and one more will soon be handed to the government. One of the recommendations pertains to cutting down the number of government departments from 400 to 395 or thereabouts. Among the causalities could be the Department for the Development of North East Region (DONER), and Mani is the minister. Mani says the ARC did not consult him even once while coming to its conclusions while those close to him accuse ARC Chief of backstabbing. Moily is perfectly placed to do that. His office in Vigyan Bhavan, that shunting yard for countless commissions and useless ministries, is right behind Mani’s.
Retirement Blues/Power&Politics/Mail Today-June 23,2008
LIKE MOST politicians, there are some bureaucrats and judges who never get to enjoy retirement. One of them, Justice VBalakrishna Eradi, will finally get his due. Eradi was appointed by the Rajiv Gandhi government in 1986 to head the commission to look into the sharing of the Ravi Beas river waters between Punjab and Haryana. He retired from the Supreme Court the next year but concurrently chaired the National Consumer Redressal Forum besides acouple of other inquiry commissions. Since then, governments, presidents and prime ministers have come and gone and much water has flowed down the Ravi- Beas. Yet, asolution to the vexed water dispute seems as elusive now as when the Honourable Judge set out to broker truce. Twenty two years on, Eradi has decided to pack his bags and take some well earned rest. At 86, he deserves it. Like him, there are several retirees heading commissions. They have the comforts of abungalow in Lutyen’s Delhi, cars, liveried staff. Not a day goes by without the papers informing us about yet another commission being given another extension. It’s another matter that their reports never see the light of day. Like the Honourable Eradi, these gentlemen should gracefully take awalk into the sunset instead of being adrain on the government.
Power & Politics/Mail Today-June 23,2008
FOR ALL the drama, intrigue and tension, Manmohan Singh’s tough posturing over the weekend may have been just one big yarn. They may have buried the deal already. What else explains the shunting in the recent past of several key officers associated with the deal from the outset? SJayashankar, our High Commissioner in Singapore who had the delicate task of convincing the Indian stand to the 45- member Nuclear Suppliers Group has been replaced, Raminder Singh Jassal, our No 2 man in Washington and another key member of the Nuke India Team has been moved to Turkey while the Big Dad of them all, former Foreign Secretary and Manmohan’s Special Envoy on the N- deal Shyam Saran now seems preoccupied with his other job as the Special Envoy on climate change.
Minimum PM /Power & Politics/ Mail Today-June 23,2008

Monday, June 16, 2008
Interview —Pushpa Kamal Dahal- Prachanda, India Today-June 23, 2008

across town to meet a journalist for an interview. But that’s Prachanda, the 53-year-old Communist whose demeanour hides the fact that he is Nepal’s prime minister-in-waiting. He moves around in a heavily-protected Mahindra Scorpio with his guards drawn from the notorious Red Army as well as the Nepal Police. Despite winning only a third of the Constituent Assembly seats, the man instrumental in overthrowing Nepal’s 240-year-old monarchy is confident of dictating the politics of the world’syoungest republic. He spoke to me for more than an hour for Seedhi Baat on Aaj Tak channel. Excerpts:
Q. How did an underground leader like you manage to form a multi-party government in Nepal?
A. This is a new political model that we are trying to set up. We had decided in favour of a multi-party system some eight years ago. We are trying to evolve and change it according to changing times.
Q. Am I talking to the new prime minister or the President of the country? Will you still carry on with your violent ways?
A. Now that we have begun the peace process, resorting to violence is out of question. Until the provisions of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) chief PrachandaConstitution are laid down, you can call me the new prime minister.
Q. Who will have more power — the President or you?
A. The President will just be a ceremonial head. The executive powers will remain with the prime minister.
Q. Why don’t you appoint Girija Prasad Koirala as the President?
A. I have political and moral issues with appointing him as the President. We want a leader of his stature, who can bind the Assembly, represented by 25 parties, in a single agreement. He has to play an important role in doing that.
Q.Your party holds just one-third of the total seats in the Assembly but people say you are still very rigid.
A. Our stand is clear. We want to move together with the rest of the parties to form a Constitution. But as the largest party,we definitely have our say.
Q. Nepal is a country with a 99-per cent Hindu population. So why do you want to include the provision of a secular state in the Constitution?
A. Nepal accommodates people from all religions, castes and creed. Though Hindus are a majority, we have a considerable population of Buddhists and Christians. My only point is that the state should not interfere with religion.
Q. Why do you want to keep outfits like the Young Communist League alive?
A. Ever since we began the peace process, we have put the Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA) cadre under state control. We plan to organise an orientation programme to address their problems.
Q. Have you lost faith in the Army?
A. It is not about faith. All this while, the Army had been loyal to the monarchy. Now that we are a republic, there will be changes in the Army too.
Q. Which economic model will your government want to follow?
A.We won’t follow the model of any nation. We will develop our own philosophy of a mixed economy. We can neither ignore the demands of globalisation, nor give in to them blindly.
Q. It seems you want to distance yourself from India. Why else would you review the Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1950?
A. I don’t want to stay away from India. In fact, we want to build good relations. Nepal has changed a lot. So to keep pace with the changes, we need to change the treaty.
Q. One of your party leaders recently visited China, which gave an impression that you are close to it.
A. It’s not true. How does a small trip to China matter? Politically, we will maintain equidistance. We share geographical, historical and cultural relations with India which we can’t ignore.
Q. Will you allow your land to be used for terrorism against India?
A. Never. However, we will maintain good relations with Pakistan.
Q. The Maoists have been a troubling factor in India. Do you support them?
A. The way we have moved from the bullet to the ballot, we have set an example for the rest of the world.
Q. Would you request the Maoists in India to adopt the ballot?
A. I can’t ask them to do so but what we have achieved has given a strong message not only to Maoists in India but to those elsewhere in the world.
Q. Will your government order an inquiry into the Palace killings of 2001? Will you keep the King alive?
A. The fate of the King has been sealed. We had been considering the option of a graceful exit for the King which has finally been accomplished.
Q. You are keen to build close ties with India. But BJP recently passed a resolution saying that your government poses a threat to us.
A. We are not a threat to anybody. We want to build relations with India and with BJP too. We are planning to hold talks with BJP leaders L.K. Advani and Rajnath Singh. We want India and all its parties to support our new model of peace process.
MAN ON A MISSION/Power & Politics, Mail Today-June 06,2008

A DOUBLE WHAMMY by Jaswant Singh/Mail Today-June 16,2008

NO RETIREMENT BLUS/Power & Politics/Mail Today-June 16,2008

ALL FLIGHTS CANCELLED/Power & Politics/Mail Today-June 16,2008
BY ASKING his ministers and senior bureaucrats to cut down on foreign junkets, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is following aproud tradition of politicians, even wellmeaning ones like him, becoming subjects of jokes, if not objects of ridicule. The PMO circular saw ministers like Ambika Soni, Renuka Chowdhury, Murli Deora, Mani Shanker Aiyar canceling their tours which were probably planned when the price of crude was under US$ 100 abarrel and inflation was yet to touch five per cent. Some others could not entirely resist the travel bug and so hopped to destinations closer home than to distant shores. But the frequent flyer in Kamal Nath continued undeterred. The Commerce Minister took off for the US, presumably to prepare for the next WTO meeting which will probably be in Doha, Qatar. Not all of them were so brazen. One minister, kept his tongue firmly in his cheek while drafting aletter to Manmohan. It read thus: “Dear Manmohan Singhji, in deference to your austerity drive, Ihope everyone in the Cabinet will take your advice and avoid unnecessary expenditure. Ihave decided not to travel abroad for official or personal purposes and Ihope my move helps in containing inflation". He has not dispatched the letter so far, but will do so if inflation keeps shooting up and reaches 10 per cent, which is not far away.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Gulam Nabi Azad/Power & Politics/Mail Today-June 09,2008
After its rout in Karnataka, the considerably weakened Congress is finding it difficult dealing with the demands of its allies and there is no more difficult customer than Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, the former chief minister of Jammu &Kashmir, who made way for the Congress’ Gulam Nabi Azad under the power sharing agreement. It is no secret that the Mufti and his daughter Mehbooba don’t see eye to eye with Azad and they are now said to be putting pressure on the Congress High Command to move Azad out of Srinagar, perhaps back to Akbar Road where he will return as general secretary “to strengthen the organisation”. The central issue, once again is politics, and not the security of the region. The Mufti wants paramilitary forces, vital for security, withdrawn from the Valley while Azad will have none of it. Azad is opposed to replacing a“uniformed” governor with acivilian, which the Mufti wants. In recent years, only retired police officers or Army generals were dispatched to Srinagar, keeping in mind the security angle. Gen SK Sinha, the incumbent governor is due to retire soon and the Mufti wants both the governor and the chief minister moved and replaced with people better disposed towards him. Local Congress leaders are aghast and rightly so. Mufti’s demands, if conceded, will work in favour of the BJP which will once again wield the stick accusing the Congress of being soft on terror.
With fair weather friends like these...

The Warrant of Precedence last updated on May 16, decides who sits next to whom at ceremonials like Republic Day, Independence Day and investiture ceremonies. It does not list Sonia Gandhi though nearly 520 others, all of them no doubt lesser mortals, figure in the list. LK Advani, Leader of the Opposition is listed No 42, sandwiched between Prem Chand Gupta, Union Minister for Corporate Affairs at 41 and Jaswant Singh, Rajya Sabha Opposition leader at 43. As UPA Chairperson, Sonia doesn’t hold any official title but so far has always been seen seated next to the prime minister. Nobody has bothered to ask “How come?”. The new notification is certain to leave various government agencies in afix. Wait and watch for August 15.
Man of few mumbles / Power & Politics, Mail Today
Congress’ knuckles are still sore after the judicial raps
OLD habits die hard. Despite the rebuff from the Karnataka electorate, at least some Congress minions held hopes of doing aMadhu Koda in Bangalore. A Cabinet meeting at 7Race Course Road, convened to ratify the Governor’s recommendation for revocation of President’s Rule in the state, was delayed by nearly half an hour leaving Cabinet Secretary Chandrashekhar, Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta and senior PMO officials waiting in the Conference room, Panchwati. All the while, Manmohan Singh, Arjun Singh, Pranab Mukherjee Law Minister HR Bhardwaj et al were in the adjoining room, triggering speculation they were discussing apossible Congress bid for power. It was nothing of the sort. Yet, there was an upbeat mood when someone mentioned aconditional offer of support from an independent legislator if the Congress’ Siddharamiah was made the chief minister. Nobody even thought anything amiss about his claim of enlisting JD( S) support considering that Siddharamiah had walked out of the party over differences with Deve Gowda. Finally, Manmohan and his team trooped out and the outrageous idea was not even discussed. One senior minister, an ally at that, believes the proposal was dismissed outright because the Congress’ knuckles are still sore after the judicial raps that followed its misadventures in Goa and Bihar.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The last time Gujjars took to the streets
IT is the job of an Opposition party to pillory the government when things go wrong. Which is what the Congress did in Rajasthan. But is there agang up in the BJP too, that feels Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje Scindia should be asked to pay amore personal price for the chaos in the state that has left dozens dead in caste riots? The mysterious silence in the party would suggest so. Late last week, as Gujjar protesters from Rajasthan spread out to Delhi, Raje tried to get in touch with her party colleagues in New Delhi and found nobody was even taking her call. They were all busy celebrating Yeddyurappa’s impending coronation in Bangalore. It was after about two days that the party sent Gopinath Munde, Kalraj Mishra and spokesman Prakash Javedkar as if to tell her “we are with you”. The last time Gujjars took to the streets a year ago, she flaunted her daughter- in- law, aGujjar, to prove her neutral credentials. This time, even the girl opted for silence leaving the saas very worried. Elections are due in the state later this year and the BJP has to keep up the momentum of the last few months. Raje’s race up the leadership ladder was spectacular but will her fall be as swift? ?Will she be sacrificed? That may not be easy as agood majority of the BJP MLAs in the state have given the thumbs up to her firmness in dealing with the crisis. One of the lessons that Raje learnt early on in administration is not to compromise as it leads to regrets later. It should come as no surprise if she calls alegislators party meeting to reaffirm faith in her leadership, effectively closing all options for the party high command.
Maya, the party pooper
IN an Olympic year, it is quite appropriate that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati is living up to the Games motto which is, “It is not the winning but the participation that matters”. Since winning what is perhaps among the most spectacular victories in independent India’s history, the BSP has not won any election, though it is not due to lack of trying. In Gujarat, where the BSP’s chances of winning against the Modi juggernaut were about as much as the Muslim League’s, she put up 166 candidates. All barring three lost their deposits. In Karnataka she put up 217 candidates, all of whom lost. But is she distraught? Far from it. The nearly 5.7 lakh votes that the BSP candidates polled were mostly at the expense of the Congress, which in the process lost about 20 seats. Nothing makes Mayawati happier than seeing the Congress lose. Her efforts are aimed at ensuring that the social engineering formula –Dalit, Brahmin, Bania or DBB, an acronym that’s gaining currency – that worked so well in Uttar Pradesh now gets spread across the country. Next year (after the Congress rout in Karnataka, nobody is talking about elections this year) she is planning to put up over 500 candidates. While the candidate selection process is already on, she is also quietly poaching from, where else, the Congress! She has no need for more Dalits and has enough Brahmins lined up. Akhilesh Das and Naresh Aggarwal, both Banias, have already trickled over, but Iunderstand the floodgates are waiting to be unlocked. The BSP’s doors are wide open for anyone as long as he/ she is not aYadav or aThakur. While Rahul baba spends time with the poor and the downtrodden, here is this feisty woman who rose from among them spoiling his party. She has it in her to spoil the planned coronation also.
Sultan of swing
CONVENTIONAL wisdom proclaims that there are two power centres in the Congress. 10 Janpath, where Sonia Gandhi lives and 24 Akbar Road, the party HQ. Now athird address is clearly emerging and that is 12 Tuglaq Lane .If you didn’t know, it is the bungalow allotted to Rahul Gandhi which has now become one of the most hyperactive political addresses in town. Not in the traditional sense, for you won’t find milling crowds outside or white Ambassadors speeding in and out. Rahul has been an MP for over four years and aAICC secretary for nearly nine months, but seldom does he go to the Akbar Road office; instead he chalks out strategies with the help of a close knit group from his Tuglaq Lane home- cum- office. In doing so, he is following in the footsteps of his father, uncle, grandmother and great grandfather, all of whom despite their wide appeal, in reality worked with close knit groups. Pandit Nehru had close friends in whom he confided and whose advice he valued, Indira Gandhi had her groupies who helped her fight the powerful party bosses in the Syndicate and in the many challenges she faced later; Sanjay preferred the company of streetfighters who believed might is right and rewarded many of them by bringing them to Parliament; Rajiv was surrounded by technocrats who were derisively – and wrongly as it turned out – referred to as the “computer boys”. Rajiv, appointed AICC secretary ayear after Sanjay’s death, chose to work out of 2A Motilal Nehru Marg assisted by the likes of Arun Singh, Vijay Dhar, Satish Sharma, though he paid the occasional visit to Akbar Road. Rahul is treading the same path. When he is not on his Discover India tours, Rahul, who like his father was appointed AICC Gen Sec early in his political career, is to be found mostly at his Tuglaq Lane address, his affairs strategised by Kanishka Singh, son of former foreign secretary and now Governor SK Singh, who was close to Indira Gandhi. Sonia Gandhi’s interactions are mostly with the Old Guard like general secretaries Motilal Vora, Digvijay Singh, Janardhan Dwivedi etc, but Rahul has cleverly put amember of his “Babalog team” under each senior so he is never out of the loop. Within party circles, they have come to be known as the Delhi Daredevils. In between his tours to the hinterland, Rahul is known to sit down with his A- team and check on the list of potential Congress candidates for the next elections that his aides are drawing up. Aclose Rahul aide informs me he has been really transformed after his visits to Dalit hamlets and partaking of food prepared in their humble kitchens. After eating out with friends at tony eateries in Delhi, when the bill arrives, he is known to wonder aloud how many mouths the money would have fed. All that’s missing are the doctors who can make the Congress win with their spin. Not to speak of the small matter of announcing its next prime ministerial candidate? It’s time Rahul threw his hat in the ring.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
INTERVIEW - BENAZIR BHUTTO, India Today-September 24, 2007
"Musharraf can’t become President"
Q. So how do you feel about your impending departure for home?
A. I am very excited. Seven years is a long time and I am wondering what changes have taken place.
Q. What do you expect? A red carpet or the reception that Sharif got?
A. I don’t know how I will be received. But I am not in the same boat as him. He has been convicted by the court of law and sentenced for treason and tax evasion. He had traded his imprisonment for a 10-year exile in Saudi Arabia with his family and this involved foreign guarantees. I was given the same offer. But I refused. So unlike Nawaz Sharif, I cannot be put on a plane and sent out.
Q. But the Government will not allow you also to return as there are charges pending against you.
A. The corruption charges against me have not been withdrawn. As far as I am concerned, I am out on bail and should not be arrested. I stayed out so I would not lose my freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of movement and association.
Q. Is there an agreement with General Musharraf that he would be your presidential choice and you will be his prime minister?
A. The discussion or transition to democracy has not been successful so far. I am going back in an uncertain environment.
Q. Is
there any deal with him?
A. Of course not. Please do not use this word. It is unfair to my long history of suffering.
Q. I know you will not admit it but you went to Abu Dhabi to meet him.
A. That was a non-meeting.
Q. Non-meeting or no meeting.
A. Neither side has officially admitted to the meeting. But contacts between the regime and PPP have been taking place since 1999.
Q. General Musharraf’s popularity is on the wane and he needs a civilian face to stay in power. Are you willing to protect him?
A. Whether he needs someone to protect him or not, only he can answer. But the people of Pakistan need someone to fight for their rights.
Q. You are Benazir Bhutto,who is in exile, facing persecution and whose father was executed. Is it right on your part to compromise with someone who has deposed an elected prime minister?
A. I cannot compromise. I am seeking the restoration of democracy.
Q. Prime ministers rarely survive their full term in Pakistan. You yourself were dismissed twice. Is there something wrong with the DNA of Pakistan which makes military rulers throw out elected rulers?
A. I feel very upset to hear that there is something wrong with the DNA of Pakistan. Unfortunately, the military has impeded the democratic growth of Pakistan, unlike in India where you have a democracy and a peaceful transfer of power. India is also emerging as an economic powerhouse and is a force to reckon with on the world stage.
Q. But we have the same blood. We are only divided by geography.
A. Because of the military, Pakistan has not developed institutions or has had a stable environment where growth can take place.
Q. Have you set any pre-conditions for your return to Pakistan?
A. There are no agreements. I am going back unconditionally.
Q. You have been holding talks.
A. Everybody is talking. Sharif has been talking since 2000, otherwise how could he go to Saudi Arabia?
Q. Will you allow Musharraf to continue as President?
A. There has been a dialogue, but there has been no agreement. The dialogue is not about personalities but about holding of free and fair elections to get civilians in power.
Q. If Musharraf gives up the uniform, can he be the President?A. I am very excited. Seven years is a long time and I am wondering what changes have taken place.
Q. What do you expect? A red carpet or the reception that Sharif got?
A. I don’t know how I will be received. But I am not in the same boat as him. He has been convicted by the court of law and sentenced for treason and tax evasion. He had traded his imprisonment for a 10-year exile in Saudi Arabia with his family and this involved foreign guarantees. I was given the same offer. But I refused. So unlike Nawaz Sharif, I cannot be put on a plane and sent out.
Q. But the Government will not allow you also to return as there are charges pending against you.
A. The corruption charges against me have not been withdrawn. As far as I am concerned, I am out on bail and should not be arrested. I stayed out so I would not lose my freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of movement and association.
Q. Is there an agreement with General Musharraf that he would be your presidential choice and you will be his prime minister?
A. The discussion or transition to democracy has not been successful so far. I am going back in an uncertain environment.
Q. Is
A. Of course not. Please do not use this word. It is unfair to my long history of suffering.
Q. I know you will not admit it but you went to Abu Dhabi to meet him.
A. That was a non-meeting.
Q. Non-meeting or no meeting.
A. Neither side has officially admitted to the meeting. But contacts between the regime and PPP have been taking place since 1999.
Q. General Musharraf’s popularity is on the wane and he needs a civilian face to stay in power. Are you willing to protect him?
A. Whether he needs someone to protect him or not, only he can answer. But the people of Pakistan need someone to fight for their rights.
Q. You are Benazir Bhutto,who is in exile, facing persecution and whose father was executed. Is it right on your part to compromise with someone who has deposed an elected prime minister?
A. I cannot compromise. I am seeking the restoration of democracy.
Q. Prime ministers rarely survive their full term in Pakistan. You yourself were dismissed twice. Is there something wrong with the DNA of Pakistan which makes military rulers throw out elected rulers?
A. I feel very upset to hear that there is something wrong with the DNA of Pakistan. Unfortunately, the military has impeded the democratic growth of Pakistan, unlike in India where you have a democracy and a peaceful transfer of power. India is also emerging as an economic powerhouse and is a force to reckon with on the world stage.
Q. But we have the same blood. We are only divided by geography.
A. Because of the military, Pakistan has not developed institutions or has had a stable environment where growth can take place.
Q. Have you set any pre-conditions for your return to Pakistan?
A. There are no agreements. I am going back unconditionally.
Q. You have been holding talks.
A. Everybody is talking. Sharif has been talking since 2000, otherwise how could he go to Saudi Arabia?
Q. Will you allow Musharraf to continue as President?
A. There has been a dialogue, but there has been no agreement. The dialogue is not about personalities but about holding of free and fair elections to get civilians in power.
A. First, this question is premature. Second, it is not for me to choose the President. The people will decide.
Q. Will your party support Musharraf if he stays in uniform?
A. We oppose a unformed presidency.
Q. What comes first? Kashmir or uniform?
A. That’s a good question.
Q. You are dodging the issue.
A. No, I am not. It is not based on one element. If today, for example, Musharraf announces that he will give up the uniform, it doesn’t mean there will be an agreement. Same if he were to lift the ban on twice-elected prime ministers from contesting.
Q. You have not defined the transition of democracy.
A. We are for holding of free and fair elections.
Q. In India, we cannot make a general the President under our Constitution.
A. In your country, you make even a nuclear scientist the President. If we did something like that in Pakistan, there would be utter chaos.
Q. But our nuclear scientists do not sell state secrets abroad. Why don’t you make a rule that prohibits generals from becoming President?
A. I think you are right. In Pakistan, we make rules but the military does not allow us to implement them.
Q. Has Musharraf lost the will of the people?
A. Opinion polls suggest that.
Q. Should he go?
A. This is for the people to decide.
Q. You represent the people, don’t you?
A. I am no Nostradamus. I cannot predict events.
Q. The judiciary has been very active in Pakistan.
A. Yes. Under the restored chief justice. We have great satisfaction that there is a check from the Supreme Court in disputed matters. But there are disputes over everything.
Q. Are you going to be a future prime minister or prisoner?
A. There are questions that don’t have answers. Will elections be held? Will they be free and fair? Will opposition parties get together?
Q. The only permanent answer is that Musharraf will stay.
A. That is also uncertain. The question is if Musharraf is eligible to contest another term in office. According to the Constitution, as a former army chief, there’s a two-year bar on a government servant to contest. So this issue will end up in courts.
Q. So you are saying Musharraf should give up the uniform, the ban on twice-elected prime ministers contesting elections should be lifted and …
A. It is important that all corruption cases against party workers be lifted and immunity be given to them. This is in everyone’s interest.
Q. Do you support Sharif’s deportation?
A. The courts have to rule in this matter. Every citizen has the right to come back. But the other argument is that Sharif traded his rights to live in Pakistan for the dropping of charges against him.
Q. Is your fight against Sharif or Musharraf?
A. My fight is for democracy.
Q. But he has scored a symbolic victory over you.
A. I don’t buy it. Very few people were present at the airport when he arrived. He made a mistake by making a deal, involving foreign parties and so on. But people can review mistakes. And I hope he will.
Q. People say America is playing the intermediary between you and Musharraf.
A. They are going back and forth in Pakistan in the larger interest of the war against terrorism.
Q. Are you not talking to them? Aren’t you the US nominee for the prime ministership of Pakistan?
A. Of course, we have been talking to them. They talk to all parties. This is the nature of political discourse. We welcome their democratic support.
Q. But unlike you, Sharif is clear that he will not talk to a dictator.
A. I disagree, because he did talk.
Q. That was earlier.
A. We are told that he talked. He was supposed to be travelling on Gulf Air earlier, but he went on a state PIA plane later.
Q. Are you saying he had a secret deal with the Government?
A. I don’t know.
Q. Will you become prime minister under Musharraf as President?
A. This will depend on the people of Pakistan if they get to vote in free and fair elections.
Q. Assume that the elections are fair.
A. I can’t do so because of the ground realities. The point is Pakistan is in turmoil because of so many issues and no one knows the course. Things could lead to an emergency, a military rule and deferment of polls. Even the militant hardliners are frightened of democracy. They seem to have adopted a Minus 3 Formula now—first it was opposition to me, then Sharif and now me, Sharif and Musharraf. The hardliners who formed the Mujahideen and became members of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda do not want the people to get back their rights because their agenda will be rolled back.
Q. So for you, restoration of democracy is more important than whether Musharraf stays in power or not.
A. No. For me, the right of the people to choose their leaders is most important.
Q. And is it none of your business whether Musharraf is chosen or not?
A. The question is whether he is eligible or not.
Q. You are also not eligible to become prime minister under the current laws.
A. Yes, but I can contest elections and Parliament can change the law.
Q. But you would like to become prime minister.
A. Yes. If people give me the mandate, it will be a great honour.
Q. In the event of your party coming to power, is your candidature for prime ministership certain?
A. Of course, my party has only one candidate.
Q. So your mission to Pakistan is to return as prime minister and restore democracy.
A. I can sit back and ask why should I take the risk? But I believe every Pakistani has the right to live in Pakistan.
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