'UPA lacks will to fight terror'
Speaking on Seedhi Baat, BJP president Rajnath Singh says that his party is willing to stand with the UPA provided the government took stern steps to fight terror.
आज तक के साप्ताहिक कार्यक्रम 'सीधी बात' में भारतीय जनता पार्टी के अध्यक्ष राजनाथ सिंह ने कहा कि आतंकवाद से निपटने के लिए दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति की जरूरत है लेकिन वर्तमान सरकार में इसकी कमी दिखती है
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In the last few days, only terrorism, intelligence failures, sacking of ministers & political revolts have made headlines in the media. Nobody thought about the normal, daily routine of the common man or problems affecting it.
This is because our politicians & media have a defined pattern of behavior. Everybody wants to run with the mob, the elite mob. And because this is the only crap dished out by the media, it also becomes the forced habit of the masses. Nobody likes to step out of the way & take stock of the genuine issues affecting the nation.
That is why the issue of Diesel-Petrol prices, one of the most important issues facing the common man has been lost in the run up to terror – Pakistan – resignations political drama. The government has taken steps to reduce petrol & diesel prices by Rs. 5 & Rs. 2 respectively, but far from it being a preemptory decision, it was one forced by continued campaigns of numerous people & bodies. One undisputed truth about the common man’s life in India is that, without asking he doesn’t get anything except death & misery, which is available in plenty irrespective of his wishes.
Ex Petroleum minister Ram Naik of BJP had been clamoring for this price reduction ever since the international crude prices dropped. This price reduction had to wait for a few months to come, despite contrary economic trends, because this was an issue affecting the commons & the common man has never been important for those in power, political or economic.
Even this reduction is a merely symbolic as the extremely low crude prices display a scope of far bigger reduction. Domestic cooking gas price must be reduced by at least a Rs. 100 per cylinder apart from another reduction of Rs. 5 & Rs. 2 from the price of petrol & diesel respectively.
The demand for further price reductions is not unjustified. While the prices of petrol & diesel (commodities necessary for the existence of the common man) have been reduced by 9% & 6% respectively, this government which thrives upon the votes of the common man has reduced the prices of Aviation Turbine fuel by a whopping 45%, so that the rich & famous can fly cheaper. This drastic difference in levels of price reduction clearly demonstrates that commoners indeed occupy the last place in the list of priorities of this government. The rich & the powerful, who finance the politicians off course, top the list.
ATF Vs Petrol-Diesel
The Central government has kept the price of petrol at Rs. 50 per liter; however aviation fuel, which is used by the rich (who can very well afford to pay for it) has been priced at Rs. 40.49, far cheaper than that of petrol after the steep 45% reduction in price.
Those familiar with elementary Chemistry know that ATF is a far more refined product than Petrol & is obtained at the very end of the distillation process of raw crude. In petroleum industry, the price of the products is determined by the stage at which they are obtained in the distillation process. Thus diesel, which is the first one to be formed, is cheapest, followed by Petrol. Since Aviation Turbine fuels comes at the fag end of the cycle, its prices are the highest. However in India it is priced 20% cheaper than petrol.
We pride on ourselves being a socialist economy where the so called capitalist think tanks always cry about the poor being subsidized at the cost of the rich, which is not always true. Here is a glaring example of this truth. ATF which ought to be 20% costlier than petrol is priced 20% cheaper implying a direct subsidy of 40% for the rich on something they can very well afford.
Further the Congress government has simply refused to reduce the price of Kerosene & cooking gas, both being commodities which affect he daily existence of the poor & middle class by even a single percent point.
In reality governments ought to think about the vast masses of the country, those very masses to whom they go with begging bowls at the time of elections and to whom they owe their very existence. The above events clearly show the lack of empathy for the commoners, who provide succor to the government.
What is this if not a fine example of parasitic attitude of political pests?
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